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Image by Scott Webb

Marie'Cozette is a brand and lifestyle of faith and contemporary fashion on a fixed spending budget. We're all about loving who you are and reintroducing you to your inner qualities and your identity in Christ. 


We network with different vendors to find some of the most reasonably priced merchandise to offer amazing retail prices to you. 


Our inventory always  has different items ranging from clothing, purses, makeup accessories, lashes, etc. Our goal is to create a comfortable shopping experience where our guests can purchase all of their items in one setting. 




Founder / Director



"You are the salt of the earth" - Matthew 5:13.......

The founder of Marie'Cozette, Gayla Robertson, transitioned from an industrial manufacturing associate to an entrepreneur by taking a leap of faith on God's instruction . She is a natural lover of artistically based expression.  


Just like fashion, it is an art within its own right. What attracted Gayla to fashion was the opportunity to freely express yourself by your threads. 


Gayla stated, "It is not always about wearing the most expensive brands.

Fashion is about feeling your most confident, comfortable, unique, and more importantly.....glorifying Jesus". 


The brand "Marie'Cozette" derives from the middle name of her mother Donna "Marie" and aunt Karen "Cozette". These women were the first to introduce her to the thrilling world of hair extensions and fashion. They also instilled faith, being confident, taking care of business as well as treating others with love.  


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